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NAPLAN - A Guide for Parents - How to Prepare Your Child

NAPLAN - A Guide for Parents - How to Prepare Your Child

Are you preparing your child for NAPLAN? 

The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is a pivotal assessment taken by over 1 million Australian students. Students in grade 3, 5, 7 and 9 take the NAPLAN test to evaluate their essential skills in reading, writing, language and numeracy. As a parent or guardian, your support can significantly impact your child's performance and confidence.

It's important to note that NAPLAN isn't about passing or failing, it serves as a gauge of your child's academic progress and highlight areas for improvement. Avoid putting unnecessary pressure on your child, as this can lead to anxiety and potentially impact their performance negatively. It's important to encourage your child in the areas they can improve and the only comparison that should be done is with their own progress.

Why NAPLAN Matters

NAPLAN is more than just a test; it’s a valuable tool for assessing your child’s academic progress in essential skills like reading, writing, language conventions, and numeracy. It provides insights into your child’s strengths and areas needing improvement, helping educators tailor their teaching strategies.

Preparing Your Child for NAPLAN: Practical Tips

  • Familiarise with Test Format: Boost your child’s confidence by reviewing sample questions and familiarizing them with the test structure. This reduces anxiety and prepares them for what to expect.
  • Regular Practice: Encourage consistent practice using workbooks, online resources, and educational games. This reinforces literacy and numeracy skills essential for NAPLAN success.
  • Focus on Well-being: Ensure your child maintains a healthy lifestyle with sufficient sleep, nutritious meals, and breaks from study. A balanced lifestyle enhances concentration and performance.
  • Enhance Literacy Skills: Promote reading and writing at home to strengthen literacy abilities, crucial for excelling in NAPLAN assessments.
  • Collaborate with Teachers: Stay informed about your child’s progress and seek advice from teachers on targeted preparation strategies. Their insights can personalize your child’s learning experience.
  • Celebrate Effort: Encourage a positive attitude towards learning by celebrating progress and effort rather than just test scores. This motivates ongoing improvement.

Where to Find Support

Prepare your child effectively for NAPLAN by implementing these strategies and fostering a supportive learning environment at home. With proactive preparation and encouragement, your child can approach NAPLAN confidently and achieve their best results.

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